The ERM Sustainability Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) held two webinars on their joint report Catching the wave – Seizing the opportunities of the sustainability transformation.
Each webinar outlined the report’s sustainable transformation framework and how it can help companies translate sustainability integration into commercial success, operational efficiency, and resilience. They also explored the following questions:
- What multiple truths do companies need to weigh to navigate the sustainability transformation successfully?
- Which external and internal barriers inhibit company action on sustainability and how can they be overcome in ways that create commercial value?
- How can companies apply the lessons of the digital transformation to the disruption caused by the ongoing sustainability shift?
- How have companies who have tested Catching the Wave’s sustainable transformation framework benefited from its guidance?
Sabine Hoefnagel, Global Leader of Sustainability and Risk at ERM, and James Gomme, Director of Education and Knowledge Management at WBCSD, moderated the discussion and were joined by speakers from companies who helped test Catching the Wave’s sustainable transformation framework.
Access the webinar recording below.

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Mark Lee, Global Director of Thought Leadership at ERM, and James Gomme, Director of Education and Knowledge Management at WBCSD, moderated the discussion and were joined by speakers from companies who helped test Catching the Wave’s sustainable transformation framework.
Access the webinar recording below.